Gardaí have apprehended five individuals residing illegally in Ireland, as part of the newly launched Operation Fern. The arrests, conducted...
Ireland has expanded its list of "safe countries" for asylum seekers by adding Brazil, Egypt, India, Malawi, and Morocco. This...
Waste collection companies in Ireland are considering raising prices for recycling bin collections due to significant financial losses caused by...
A severe landslide in Switzerland has resulted in the tragic loss of two lives, with one person still missing. This...
Last year saw a notable rise in the number of abortions in Ireland, reaching 10,033 procedures, marking the highest since...
AIB (Allied Irish Banks) has announced a reduction in its four-year fixed mortgage rate by 0.25%. This move aims to...
Ireland is currently experiencing a significant rise in criminal activities, with recent reports indicating a worrying trend across various forms...
Dublin City Council has announced an increase in the Local Property Tax (LPT) for homeowners. The council voted to raise...
Ireland has introduced significant changes to its employment permit system, allowing work permit holders to change employers after nine months....
Garda Reserve Recruitment Campaign 2024 An Garda Síochána has launched its latest Garda Reserve recruitment campaign, aiming to expand this voluntary...